Understanding the Spalling Concrete and Its Causes and Repairs

What Is Spalling Concrete?

First, it is helpful to grasp what a spall is before understanding concrete spalling. A spall is described as surface material flakes or chips that have broken away from a more considerable solid body. Spalling can occur on practically any artificial surface, and concrete is no exception. The flaking, chipping, and huge chunks that you observe disappearing from your concrete surface, exposing the coarse, rocky concrete aggregate, are indicators of spalling concrete. These are the signs; however, spalling concrete is more complicated than its appearance on the surface. Spalling results from chemical and physical processes within the concrete itself. It is a relatively common problem with several causes varying from how the concrete was mixed to environmental conditions. Spalling Concrete Repair Products can come in handy in these situations.

What Causes Spalling In Concrete?

Here are the two most common reasons that can cause spalling.

1) Freeze and thaw cycle:

Water that has infiltrated the concrete freezes, expands, puts internal pressure on the concrete, and causes it to spall after several cycles. A powerful force is applied to the top layer, causing pieces of it to slake off.

2) Corrosion of reinforcing bar:

Water that penetrates an open concrete surface can corrode rebar. The rust on the rebar takes up more space than the initial rebar, resulting in an internal pressure buildup and, as a result, a spall.

Problems With Spalled Concrete:

A few tiny flakes loosened from a large concrete surface may not appear to be an issue, but more moisture can quickly enter the concrete and propagate the spalling once spalling occurs. While surface spalling is merely an aesthetic issue that detracts from visual beauty and curb appeal, deeper spalling undermines the concrete base and might cause structural problems. Weakening concrete is more prone to cracking and crumbling, and vertical structures like walls or columns may collapse if spalling becomes severe. Hence, it is recommended that you get it repaired soon and use good quality Spalling Concrete Repair Products.

Concrete Spalling Repair:

Reliable chipping or grinding tools are required to fix concrete spalling. You'll need to chop or crush the surfaced weak concrete, but you don't want to over or under-grind and create more damage. After removing the soft concrete, carefully clean the area. It is when an air compressor or other gadget emits controlled, pressurised air that can be helpful. After thoroughly cleaning the area, resurface it using a polymer-modified cement composition. To avoid further spalling, ensure your compound is of good, dependable quality. After the overlay has dried, use a waterproof sealant to seal the entire damaged area. It will help to prevent the spalling from occurring again.


It is critical to understand why spalling occurs so that future concrete projects can be designed to avoid this issue. The issue can be fixed, but it doesn't guarantee it won't happen again, especially in colder climates. If control joints were not correctly placed, cracking could also occur regardless of your repairs. When installing any concrete feature, it's essential to understand the chemistry behind concrete to ensure it is adequately mixed. Furthermore, an experienced concrete professional will know the significance of solid reinforcement and how to place control joints appropriately.


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