
Showing posts from May, 2022

Understanding the Spalling Concrete and Its Causes and Repairs

What Is Spalling Concrete? First, it is helpful to grasp what a spall is before understanding concrete spalling. A spall is described as surface material flakes or chips that have broken away from a more considerable solid body. Spalling can occur on practically any artificial surface, and concrete is no exception. The flaking, chipping, and huge chunks that you observe disappearing from your concrete surface, exposing the coarse, rocky concrete aggregate, are indicators of spalling concrete. These are the signs; however, spalling concrete is more complicated than its appearance on the surface. Spalling results from chemical and physical processes within the concrete itself. It is a relatively common problem with several causes varying from how the concrete was mixed to environmental conditions. Spalling Concrete Repair Products can come in handy in these situations. What Causes Spalling In Concrete? Here are the two most common reasons that can cause spalling. 1) Freeze and thaw cycl...